Pride and Pressure

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single person in possession of a sound mind must be in search of this site. Enjoy your stay here, gentle reader. (And do please be gentle, reader, because if you break it, you buy it.)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tally ho, time to move on, what, what!!

Curses, blazes, and damnation. That was the longest post ever. What a waste. I keep trying to blog about last Tuesday when I went for the free day to SFMOMA and contemplated modern art, but it seems that your joy and excitement is to be delayed again.

However, in the mean times, and what times are meaner than when it's 7:30 and I haven't had dinner, I can tell you that I have had a busy week. I've made it to the Short Shorts Litquake event, which was amazing. A bunch of short story authors got an assignment to write a story with the prompt, "The first time I . . . " Some great stuff. I bought a book there. I shouldn't have, but I did.

I also went to the Ask a Scientist event. Drove to it, in fact, which I'm kind of proud of. That was yesterday, and I had a long day yesterday. I contemplated curling up with one of the many books sitting around whining plaintively, "Read me." But did I do that? No, instead, I found my way into the city and listened to Maureen O'Sullivan talk about how to tell if people are lying. Apparently, the best lie detectors are over 30, so I've got another 8 years before I worry about the fact that I think all people are trying for heaven and don't tell whoppers.

Glad I went, too, because I ran into the nice lady from the Chris Moore board who tells me that Chris is calling into Borderlands Books on Sunday to have a little discussion about Blood-Sucking Fiends and the imminent sequel. Best of all, by Sunday, I'll know where that is because I'm volunteering there on Saturday for the Litquake Litcrawl. If I don't get blotto at the volunteer party after the Litcrawl on Saturday (kidding, kidding), I should be able to find my way back just fine.

Anyway, more later. I'm going to go pick out some DVDs at the library and head home.


At 12:14 AM, Blogger Chrissy said...

Must say you've inspired me to go to more book-related events. This Tuesday ( hooray one of my off-days) a forensic scientist is goign to be doing a "real-CSI' presentation at the downtown library. Maybe, if I wake up before 11, I'll go.


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