Pride and Pressure

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

World Horror Con 2006

So I went to World Horror Con. Scratch that, I went to the Bizarro Books World Horror Con After-Party. I know you all feel special just knowing me, but try to take the excitement down a notch.

I went with Nicole from the Chris Moore board. She's going to have her book published by a publishing house that published Bizarro Books (I did not previously know that this was a genre. You learn something every day). So she wanted to meet her editors, et al while they were in the Northern California area (as opposed to Seattle). I just went because, well, now I can say I was at World Horror Con. I'm never going to pay to go to a horror or sci-fi convention so now I've had the experience without the cost. Always a plus.

It was kind of a trip. I'm rarely in the coolest 10% of people in a room. Oddly, it felt about like being in the least cool 10% of the room. I totally did not fit in there. Still everyone was super nice, and they gave me free beer. Which was home-brewed and each kind of beer was one of the labels that Bizarro Books publish under. For example, the label Nicole is being published by was an Amber Ale. I drank that, and then gave Nicole the bottle (She did ask for it. I didn't make her take it). Her editor told her that maybe one day, she could have the cover of her book on a bottle of Afterbirth Beer. Nicole was not that excited by that. I don't blame her.

All in all, a fun evening. I met someone from a book store (Note the trouble I went to to avoid any google-able names. I've learned a lesson. Hopefully, it was my lesson and not someone else's) who was on Chris Moore's blog. When I misunderstood this to mean that she posted on the message board, I was quickly corrected. She was actually in the blog. Not like in the computer server that stores the blog, like Chris mentioned her in the blog. I know I'm a fan geek, but I don't cream myself every time that Chris responds to a post of mine. Hell, he obliquely mentioned me in a news article, and I'm not sitting around building a shrine to my brush with greatness. He's just a guy. Note: This statement no longer applies if he ever, in the course of writing the pilot that he's writing, meets Vince Vaughn and can get me the hook-up. Obviously, VV and I are meant to be together, but no need to wait on destiny, right?

Well, Chrissy will be calling me CP if I go on any longer, and it's late. It's so late that I'm obliged to say Happy Mother's Day because it is in fact Mother's Day in MO. So happy, happy! I think I'll wait 'til later to call Mom, though . . . .


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