Pride and Pressure

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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Why do my Google searches always end in emotional turmoil and rage?

Someone on the Chris Moore board (I'm not making another link for you lazy bastards, so scroll down) googled "fucktard" (which we pretty much credit Chris with) in the book search. And now so have I. There were quite a few entries. One was Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild. Not a nice book for liberals. Kind of pisses me off. So that's our subject for today.

The excerpt which has fucktard in it discusses message boards on "where everyone refers to Bush as a fucktard." They're lovely quotes, available here (though I think you have to have a gmail/google account to view it).

This stupid woman is using Chris' word against us to make us look like we're all crass and crude extremist left-wing psychos. That's not fair, is it? I know when I get frustrated I tend to just say, "Oh, fuck a duck, our president is an idiot." But I mean, what use is reasoned argument against the Word of God as channeled through the White House Ouija Board.

I really don't hate all conservatives. I just think it's so wrong that this woman is judging people for giving vent to their feelings on something this important. I think most of the people who read this blog know that I cried at work in London the day that we knew the election results. I cried when I was arguing with some Christian bitch about abortion (and she felt bad which made me happier about looking like a fucking idiot). To me, and a lot of other people, politics is a really emotionally charged issue. It ties into what we believe is right and wrong. And sometimes, we don't take care to make sure that no one's feelings get hurt.

Anyway, love to hear your responses people. Am I wrong? I mean, at times, I get what the woman is saying, but I really think she's reading too much into sarcasm and venting. Am I overreacting? Obviously, this woman doesn't deserve this kind of time and attention, since she's the kind of person who has nothing better to do that scour the entire internet for things that show how right she is. And Chrissy, is this the conservative Michelle that got all knocked up and shit and had to leave college? Perhaps while she stays inside to breed, her family looks tolerantly upon book learnin' which promotes the cause?


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