Pride and Pressure

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My plan to make the world a better place . . .

How's everybody holdin' up out there? Seems like I might have outstripped your ability to comment. You doin' okay? You want a SO-da?

Screw it, I tried.

Just finished watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith through Movie Link (with my mama's fab free credits). Good movie. Glad to see Vince Vaughn setting my heart a-flutter like always. ("Why would you bring my mom into this? She's a first-class lady.") I did worry for a while that the movie was going to go all Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid on me, but all was well. I do have to agree that the amorphous monster that is Brangelina had a lot of on-screen chemistry. Plus, that was the first time I didn't think Angelina Jolie looked weird. And let's face it, Adam Brody looked way hotter than Brad Pitt.

It took me a few times to catch Jennifer Morrison (aka Cameron from House) as one of the assistant girls. She seemed very wooden. It makes me wonder if she was nervous around Angelina.

And speaking of House (we've basically been leading up to this from the get-go), you wouldn't think to look at him that Hugh Laurie needs to spend all his time sans shirt, would you? I mean, I've always thought he was cute, but little did I know. Damn, I mean, DAMN. He had his shirt off last night to do it with his married ex-girlfriend, and that made me happy.

So here's my plan, we get the writers of Underworld, Part Deux (were there writers or did someone just grab a middle schooler's journal before heading to the set?), and we have them start writing House. I know that the quality of the show will go down a little, but the Underworld writers really know how to set the scene so that the loss of a shirt is necessary every 6.5 seconds. The amount of time Scott Speedman spent with his shirt on in that movie was negligible. And there's something in this for everyone. Those poor Underworld writers wouldn't know what to do if there wasn't a girl in a leather jumpsuit and corset (unless she's having sex with a shirtless guy, that's permissible). So what does everyone think? I'd have a pic to get you motivated, but a Google image search for Hugh Laurie naked or shirtless or without a shirt didn't turn anything up. Sorry.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

Wait a shirtless Scott Speedsman!! I think I might wake up early to make it to an early show of that movie now. I haven't seen the 1st one but who needs to b/c I don't think it has a shirtless Scott.


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