Pride and Pressure

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Isn't it sad that vampires would get sick if they ate cake batter ice cream?

I went to see Underworld: Evolution on Sunday. I tried to drive to the Kabuki 8 theater in Japantown because I have free AMC tickets and because I was assured by my friend the Internet that there was parking. I almost ended up on the Bay Bridge when I didn't psychically divine that I needed to be in the left hand lane. So I turned around and went to the Century 20 back in the DC. I'll probably try again this weekend. What to see??

Evolution was exactly what it was billed as, a really sleek vampire flick. Visually stunning I would say (especially to people like Chrissy who like special effects. But do they hate vampires as much as they hate the gays in South Carolina? By which I mean will they boycott it like they did Brokeback Mountain, which I missed my chance to see apparently?). The special effects were well done. I really liked that anything that would look shitty they had take place as action off-screen. Super fast healing, which obviously all vampires ever have, always looks bad on screen. Don't know why, either because the technology isn't there or because no one can comprehend what that would look like. All the super fast healing took place off-screen and in a way that didn't make you think, That's stupid, why didn't they show that? So anyway, highly predictable, but fun. And for the boys, who aren't reading this blog, yes, Kate Beckinsale's husband directed this one too so there are plenty of gratuitous shots of leather-clad ass.

After that, I decided to get Birthday Cake Remix from Cold Stone (no, mummy, I don't do this often, but I was excited that it was back). It was as good as ever which is a relief. I did notice that they changed the color of the cake batter ice cream. Do you think that when people got the salmonella they puked up blue? That would be about the only good reason to change the ice cream to a pale beige. Plus, it would be kind of like that cereal with the red dye in it in Cujo. All the kids got sick, from the flu and whatever kids get sick from, and they puked dark red from the cereal. So their parents thought they were puking blood. Stephen King's awesome . . .


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Chrissy said...

Oh but I have seen the hotness that is Brokeback Mtn. After all the hoopla, it finally came to South Carolina and to here in Spartanburg, and to be perfectly honest, even though I knew the ending from reading the actual New Yorker story online, I cried and was crying still as I left the theatre.

Damn gay ass cowboys.

But you were never as excited about the movie, but I've been waiting on it for years.
Also, while you may be in love with yucky Coldstone Cake Batter, it is now the season for Love Potion #31 at Baskin Robbins. Way more yummy!


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