Pride and Pressure

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Friday, February 10, 2006

More of the world in review

I know, you're tired of my lame commentary on movies, TV, and other assorted stuff, but just one more . . . please . . .

So I watched Bewitched. It was so much better than I expected. It was an interesting take on a remake. It also takes a few shots at "cashing in on nostalgia rather than coming up with something new."

But the best thing about it (besides Nicole Kidman, who's always fabulous) was Will Ferrell. Now you guys know I don't say that very often. My usual prescription for Will Ferrell is "take only when necessary." Much like Ben Stiller. So here he is in a lead role, and I love him. I think it's because when he goes really whack at the end, he has a reason. It's not something dreadfully normal that he freaks about just to make a funny. It's freaking weird, and I can see why he's freaked.

I'm just going to use this opportunity to petition the Powers that Be (and no one but Ali would consent to read those books so you don't even know what I'm talking about) for witchhood. I would only use my powers for good. I would work hard and study to become the best witch I could be. I would stalwartly refuse to wear ruby slippers so as not to give an inaccurate idea of my way of life. I would not terrorize "little people." I would not say You Know Who's name out loud. I would not turn small children into toad (I make no promises about mid-sized children, they're really obnoxious). So can I, please? Please, please, please.

Oh, and I further promise to rid the world of vampires, war, smog, mid-sized children, werewolves, hunger, and anybody who didn't think that American Beauty was over-rated. Thank you for considering me for this position.


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