Pride and Pressure

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Ah, boys

The title from this post comes from a comment I left on Chrissy's blog (see left for anyone who hasn't figured that out) which reminded me I was going to write this post. I'll refrain from using names because people from work might actually someday read this blog.

So, I was just thinking that I'm making progress, which I will explain.

I went through most of high school without really having any crushes on anyone. There was a really good reason for that, namely that there wasn't anyone worth having a crush on.

Now a quick rundown of the people who I've had crushes on in college.
(For the record, yes, I'm aware that crushes are things you have in middle school, but the word seems more than apt here.)

1. To start from the beginning, if I'm completely honest with myself, I had a crush on Rob. Which is kind of embarrassing, especially considering that he (along with every other boy for 5 miles) liked my weird roommate.

2. I also kind of had a crush on Dan Young. (Chrissy, you might be disturbed, but at least you know I'm being completely honest). He was a sweet guy who apparently felt that I (as the resident goody-two-shoes) needed discipline in my life. So he grounded me to my dorm room a lot. That most of our conversations. He told my I was up too late (at, say, 2 pm) and then he grounded me. As a matter of fact, I'm probably still grounded.

3. Then, there was Caleb. That was weird, and why did I ever like that boy? He was judgmental, made fun of my music and movies, was socially awkward, etc. Plus, he was a total tool. I can't even explain how much of a tool he was, but not as much of a tool as

4. Again, no name, but he was a tool. Funny, nice, cute (dark hair, pale skin), but a tool.

5. And we're up to date with another no name. This person is the reason I'm writing, because, again, I feel I'm making progress. Yes, I'm still goofy for having a little girl crush on someone that I have no intention of even attempting to attract, but he won't turn out to be a tool.

He may be a bit of an ass, but in a way that I like him the more for it, because he tells off the people that I wish I told off. He's overall nice, at least to me. He's competent, which is very attractive to me. He's cute, not in that Irish boy way that I love, but cute. Most importantly though, he's not going to turn out to be a tool.

So, I'm making progress. Which is good.


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Chrissy said...

I'll never fully get the Rob thing, I think its 'cus he's such as smooth IMer, that's why when DMB signs on on AIM, I don't intiate convo.That's b/c on AIM he doesn't have the cursed lisp. Ok, I'm officially goign to hell. (oh and yes, I still have all our FIGmates AIM names in my list, b/c its fun reading everybody's away messages).

I'm actually not disturbed by the crush on Dan Young b/c for a minute I couldn't remember who he was. Then I thought about it and is he the guy who had a kinda weird deep voice. He was the lanky looking DA with longish hair and worked at Tar-jay for a while. Umm, when I first met him, he was at the desk talking and i thought he was doing an impersonation . . . of Kermit the Frog. Then I figured out later that's just the way his voice sounds normally. So every so often I'd just burst out laughing when I'd hear his voice and to whoever was around I'd cite it as laughing at an inside joke I remembered.

Oh and I think you just liked Caleb b/c at the time you were a masochist and felt you needed to be punished.

I think you liked the other tool for the same reason I have liked tools of the past, you didn't know them well enough so you filled in the blanks with other characteristics you like in a boy and then they mess up and show you their real characteristics, which in now way match the ones you assigned to them. If Michael does that, I'm just going to beat him, with a pica pole or keyboard.

Sorry for the longest comment ever.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Chrissy said...

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