Pride and Pressure

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Random Selection of my Thoughts for Your Perusal

Some good Ali quotes:
1. "Douche kitten" -- Yes, this is an actual insult that my sister used in reference to me. I think she's entirely too excited about the new kitten she's been promised. On the other hand, my mother spent the cruise calling my sister and I "hoe-bags." So we know where Ali gets her language. I, of course, don't talk like that at all. Except for most of the time.

2. "If you call someone who's boring vanilla, then I think you and I are like Bertie Botts Every Flavor ice cream." -- I like to think that this is a pretty fair assessment.

Some other random points:

1. I've never kept such good track of my cell phone or kept it so regularly well charged as I have for the last few weeks. It's a lot of work to be this responsible.

2. What am I going to wear in exactly 43 days? Chrissy? Ali? Mom? This is an important question.

3. How did I manage to spend as much money as I spent last month? And why did none of you stop me?

4. I have a pretty new shirt, bracelet, and ring! Pictures may or may not be forthcoming. (On a side note, I may have just had an epiphany regarding number 3).

5. Who took my measuring tape? I need it to finish the back of my sweater that has been in progress for decades. Yes, decades.


At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Ho-bag, not Hoe-Bag or whatever dumb way you spelled it. Gosh don't you know anything???


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