Pride and Pressure

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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Music, Technology, and Frustration

I am very frustrated right now. It's been 5 days since I posted last. Why? Because I've been spending time online playing stupid flash games. And they are really stupid games.

I did manage in that time to fix the stupid brochures for Sterling Investment. So despite the best efforts of my teammate to ignore everything I said about, you know, her design being unprintable (over and over and over). The design is now done right. It's not as snazzy looking as her design, but it can actually be printed and bound.

Back to frustration though. I have spent the last hour trying to download a song. Probably this is illegal, but since I didn't manage to download it the point is moot. I wanted to download "Just what I need" by Rufus King. The link will take you to the lyrics for the song only. I love this song and have had it downloaded before. It's probably on one of the many CDs that I made back in the days when I did that sort of thing.

I want to download this song rather than buy it for a few reasons. One, I can't get the cd that it's on at Two, the cd costs $13, and from what I can tell, I don't like anything else on there particularly. Three, I love the movie cut that has the lines, "Torrance, can't stand you cheerleading squad, but I love your pompoms. I'll feed you bonbons all night." Yet I can't download it.

I downloaded three different file sharing programs before I realized that the reason they weren't working was that my firewall wouldn't let them connect. I am too scared of turning off my firewall (and not clever enough to selectively shut it down). So no movie songs for me.

I'm also very frustrated because of how annoying it is to try and download music. On the one hand, I get it. If I wrote music or sang for a living, I wouldn't want people to steal my music. On the other hand, musicians don't get all that much from record sales, they make a lot more from concerts. More than that though, I downloaded tons of music free and then turned around and bought the cds. I had every song from Simple Plan's first cd on my computer and burned to disc, but then I bought the cd. Other people have to be doing that. I bought more cds because I could find music I liked and then buy the cd. When I didn't buy the cd, it was because I only wanted one song and I wouldn't have bought the cd anyway, and I don't buy singles because they're asanine. The music industry should really rethink their stance.

I'm also frustrated because I have a search toolbar at the top of my browser that's to the left of my address bar. I want my address bar all the way over on the left because that makes more sense. It seems to me that I used to be able to drag and drop toolbars so that I could move the search bar up above the address bar. I tried that, to no avail. And I really hate it being there.

Anyway, that's my complaint for the day. I'm agitating for a relaxed stance on music sharing and for drag-and-droppable search bars. Because let's face it, everyone wants to download Scotty Doesn't Know (which is actually a song by Lustra, who apparently perform shows in skirts, which is pretty damn hot). And, again let's face it, I like my bars to stay where they're supposed to.


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

My estranged sis loves "Scotty Doesn't Know" and she has yet to see all of Eurotrip. I meant to tell you in an e-mail I just sent you. I just realized that a blondie is called such b/c of its color just like a brownie is, well brown. Damn, I need to start bleaching my hair blonde.
I'm currently downloading john mayer has a tv show and family guy new season episodes, in addition to "Just What I Need" (because I'm curious). I think the cable people are coming today or tomorrow, I can't quite remember.

At 11:02 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

Dude, did ya hear, (well maybe you knew about this a long time ago) but they have a new version of Pride and Prejudice coming out (or it already came out) this year.
Bastards, why can't they accept Colin Firth's genious as Mr. Darcy!

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

and it has Keira (Kiera) Knightley, WTF?!!


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