Pride and Pressure

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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Long time no Post (and I don't mean the cereal)

So in between this and my last post (before the London one, which I felt needed to stay on its own), Chrissy's made like 80 posts. Still, I got home on the 29th, and since then I've been lazing.

So to bring you up to the minute, here's a rundown on what I've been up to:

1. I am an underachiever and apparently now it can't be remedied. I didn't do the 33 Things You Should Do Before You're 10. I count 14 that I did (and that's stretching things a bit). That's less than half, and the gods probably won't change space and time just so I can go back. On the other hand, why would I ever want to make a mini-assault course in my garden? And what is Pooh Sticks??

2. I hate Wal-Mart. A lot. I know everyone knows this already so I won't go into all the old reasons, but I'll hit the new ones. I hate it because there are always a million people wandering around with their heads so far up their ass that their body is a hat. I can be dialing my phone, pushing my cart with one hand, and weaving, but I'm still paying more attention than they are.

I also hate this whole, "You can make meth with suphedrine, so we'll have to lock it all up" idea. Most of you will know that I hate Wal-Mart's moral stance on the Morning After Pill and the magazine FHM, specifically that they won't sell them). Now, I don't do drugs. I have never done drugs. I've never even had a single puff off a cigarette, but damn it, if I want to make meth, leave it to the drug task force to make it difficult for me. Because by making it difficult to buy Sudafed, you're really just picking on people with allergies. I just don't like the fact that an international corporation that pays its employees minimum wage and fires their butchers when they try to unionize tries to take the moral high ground in what it chooses to sell. They're running other stores and companies out of business by demanding cut rate prices on bulk orders, but it would just be wrong of them to leave Sudafed out where anyone with allergies could pick it up. Fucking Wal-Mart.

3. I'm making a bow ponchette, which I'm kind of making up a pattern for. I found it in the free patterns pile at Wal-Mart (see above). However, it was a knit pattern, which I realized after I had it at home. It's basically a long straight piece joined in a circle with a smaller piece joined around it so that the whole thing looks like a bow. Maybe I'll put a picture up since that didn't make sense at all. Should be cute though.

4. Speaking of pictures, I'll have to get a pic of the fabulous painting Ali did that I get to keep now. It's a city scene with a checkerboard sky. Awesome.

5. And finally, I saw Jimmy from The Lone Gunmen on She Spies a few nights ago. It's good to see he's still doing quality TV. Does anyone want to tell me that She Spies isn't quality TV? 'Cause you'll get a beat down for that.


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

I think I'll do a list in response to your list
0. I have no life which is why I constantly update my blog, I have almost an hour of downtime between sending my past page on the desk and when we proof the final paper so besides bloggin, there's nothing else to do. I also don't sleep until 3 or 4 a.m. when I get home so again, no cable or TV just internet, so I blog.

1. I've done some of that stuff on the list but I'm not sure whether it was before 10. One thing I'm kinda proud of is that at 13, on a whim, my cousin and I put on bathing suits and using a hose and an existing hole in her front yard we made a mudhole and splashed around in it like white trash. But I swear it was fun and it actually made the grass grow back in that spot. We should've taken pictures, nowadays you could sell them to some perv for a good amount of money.

2. I'm thinking about weaning myself off of Wal-mart, I find it confusing during the day and a perv hangout at night. I just walk in and immediately forget what I came for and forget that I even brought a list. Besides, I have yet to check out the Pulbix or Ingles. I have been in the Bi-Lo, it's just a poor man's Winn-Dixie. Oh, and that meth thing should be endign soon, the drug companies have found a sub for the ephedrine, but there's no guarantee if it's a cheaper sub and that price diff might me passed along to us. Damn drug companies.

3. What's a ponchette? Is it related to the poncho? Also I'm thinking of taking sewing classes b/c I think I'm going to steal your idea of wearing '50's clothes, or just past decade clothes in general. I like the way A-line dresses fit on my "curves." You should join a knitting club/ group when you get to the Bay area. I can ask my fellow Busties from the Bay where they go. I really excited about meeting my Stitch N' Bitch group for the first time Tues, if I'm not too worn out.

4. While I in no way doubt your sister's talent, I must say that I possess a painting that trumps all others. You know the one. It'll be on display soon,I'm considering Feng Shui-ing my apt and I just have to figure out how to get good chi from it. *snickers*

5. It's funny how our situations have reversed, I don't watch TV anymore but since I know work Suns I can time my break to where I get to watch the new Family Guy.


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